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Here are your results for “Dutch Elm Disease”

3 Results
Preserving the elm cathedrals across Canadian cities
Rows of stately elm trees, rising to the height of cathedrals, once proudly lined boulevards across North America. Then, in 1930, a furniture company in Cleveland imported elm logs from England infected with a pathogen known as Dutch elm disease. Soon, those...
Embracing Diversity: Four Ways Forests are Naturally Diverse
Much like our own communities, our forests are diverse, or at least, they should be. What is forest biodiversity? According to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), forest biodiversity refers to the variety of all life forms within a given forest, including...
Flowering trees across Canada
Flowering trees or trees that start to show their leaves are some of the first and most striking signs of spring. They are a sign that nature is starting to ‘wake up’ and action is happening! Travel across the country with us...